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Caramel Apples With Vanilla Rum Peanuts


1. Insert wooden pop sticks (from bag of caramels) into stem end of each apple. Cover large plate with waxed paper; grease with butter. Set aside.
2.Place caramels and water in large saucepan; cook on medium-low heat until caramels are completely melted, stirring constantly.
3.Dip apples into melted caramel until evenly coated, spooning caramel over apples if necessary. Allow excess caramel to drip off.
4. Scrape bottoms of apples, then place on prepared plate. (Note: I rolled my caramel apples in Vanilla Rum-flavored peanuts after scraping the bottoms of the apples.) Place on prepared plate.
5. Refrigerate at least one hour or until ready to serve.
6. Remove from refrigerator and let stand for at room temperature 15 minutes before serving. Store leftover dipped apples in the refrigerator.