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Deep Fried French Fries


1. Heat about 2 inches of cooking oil in a deep-fry electric cooker or an appropriate pot on the stove.
2. Slice as many potatoes strips as you need, and dry them off before you put them into the oil.
3. You can test to see if the oil is ready by place a single potato strip in the oil to see if it sizzles. When the oil is hot (not smoking), Use a untesil to ease several potato strips at a time into the hot oil. You can do about one potatoes worth at a time (unless you are using a very large pot).
4. Cook the potatoes until golden brown, using a utensil to stir and check for doneness occasionally.
5. When the potates are a golden color, you may want to cool a single potato strip and check it to make sure it is done.
6. When the potatoes are done, quickly (and carefully) remove them from the hot oil and place them to drain on a tray that has paper toweling on top.
7. Each time you remove a batch of French Fries from the pot, sprinkle them with coarse salt.
8. Continue this process until all of your potatoes are cooked.
9. Carefully turn off your hot oil and let it cool before pouring it out of the pot. Remove your French fries from the paper toweling and place on a nice serving dish. They may be served with ketchup, or other sauce that you enjoy.