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Deep Fried Mozzarella Sandwich


In order to make the deep fried mozzarella sandwich, it would be better to use buffalo's or cow's milk mozzarella.
Take the slices of toast bread and remove the crusts with a sharp knife (1). Cut the mozzarella cheese into about -inch thick slices and lay them onto 8 slices of toast bread (2) to come right to the edge; then cover them with the remaining 8 slices (3), and press.
Cut crosswise (4) the bread and mozzarella sandwiches, in order to get 2 small triangles from each one (5). Pour the flour into a plate and whisk the 3 eggs in a bowl together with milk, salt and ground pepper (6).
Dip the triangles first in flour (7), making sure to coat also their borders, then dip them generously in the egg mixture (8-9); in this way, the mozzarella cheese won't spill over while frying. Repeat the same procedure until you've run out of ingredients.
In the meanwhile heat the oil in a saucepan on the cook (or turn on a fryer) and when it's come to a boil, dip in the sandwiches (10), browning them evenly on both sides (11). Once ready, pat them dry with kitchen paper (12) and serve them still hot, adding some salt on top.