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Eating Low With Amy #31: My Favorite Ground Chicken Recipe


Who knew a dish could be so controversial! I found a recipe for Larb and modified it to make it low carb and also for the ingredients I had on-hand. I've never claimed this is a 100% authentic version (the original recipe included rice - not low carb) and besides, in cooking, I think people make things different ways based on their tastes. Too many people were finding this recipe and getting mad at me for not doing this or that right. One comment I even found so offensive I deleted it. YOU may have grown up on Larb but realize that there are probably many, many people out there who have no clue how to make it or have never even heard of it, so instead of getting angry and calling other people "so freakin white" be proud that someone found your cultural dish interesting enough that they wanted to try making their own version of it and share it with other people (who also have probably never heard of it). I'm changing the name of the recipe in the YouTube post so people don't think this is how to make THE one and only larb (btw, there are tons of different versions out there but whatever) - this is MY version. Relax people, it's just food!

Eating Low is low hassle, low carb recipes. The written recipe is available at the Eating Low web site: