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Vegetable Gumbo


Drain the tomato juice from the stewed tomatoes and place juice in a cup. Place the drained tomatoes in a medium-sized heavy pot. Now, add 1 tablespoon cornstarch to the reserved tomato juice and stir until the cornstarch is completely dissolved. Add the tomato juice-cornstarch mixture to the pot containing the stewed tomatoes. Next, add a 12-oz. to16-oz. package of frozen mixed gumbo-style vegetables to the pot of tomatoes and cornstarch. Stir well. Place over medium-high heat until the mixture comes to a boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and continue to cook, stirring occasionally until vegetables are done. This should take about 5 minutes, and vegetables will be crisp-tender. If you like the vegetables softer, add a couple of minutes to the cooking time. This entire pot has slightly over 300 calories, so if you have a large serving of *half* of the pot, you will be eating only 150 calories, but you will be very full! If you like this diet trick, you might like my 5-Minute Diet Chicken Vegetable Soup! When Rick and I diet, we believe in eating well; a piece of broiled chicken or fish alongside the 5-Minute Diet Vegetable Gumbo makes a complete and healthy dinner for dieting! This recipe is great for vegetarians, too! Enjoy!!! --Betty