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Fava Beans Recipe Healthy Vegan Recipes On Video


1.If you are using dried beans in your healthy vegan recipes, they must be fully cooked before you begin. Fava beans must be soaked overnight with lots of water. There is also a quick-soak method put the beans in a pot with plenty of water, boil for 30 minutes, then remove from the heat and let them soak for 30 minutes or more.
2.Drain the beans, and then add enough water to cover them by 2 inches. Gently boil them with NO salt. You can add a bit of kombu (seaweed) to the cooking water while they boil for improved digestibility. Fava beans will take about 2 hours to cook.
3.If you are using canned, look for a can that does not have any salt listed in the ingredients. Some varieties are actually cooked with kombu, which is ideal. Be sure to rinse and drain the beans before using them.
4.While the beans are cooking, saute the onion and then the garlic in the oil. Once they are soft, add the tomatoes and spices. Season with salt. Add the beans, and let this simmer for at least 10 minutes, or as long as you like. Garnish with cilantro and serve. I hope you enjoy this fave beans recipe, the latest of my healthy vegan recipes.