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Fish Kebabs On Warm Tomatoes


Cut peel off lemons in long thick strips. Rinse fish, then pat dry with kitchen paper. Cut the fish into cubes about the same size as the olives. Spear fish on skewers along with olives, bayleaves and strips of lemon peel. Lay the kebabs in a dish and drizzle with olive oil.

Cook the kebabs on an oiled barbecue hotplate heated to medium, until the fish is lightly browned and just cooked through; do not overcook. Alternatively, you can cook the kebabs inside in a ridged grill pan over a medium heat.

Meanwhile, put the avocado oil in a large frying pan. Halve the tomatoes and lay them cut side down in the pan. Season with sea salt and pepper. Set the pan on low heat and just let them warm through, for about 5 minutes, until they show signs of softening. Slide them onto a large serving platter, or individual plates, then scatter over the basil and top with the hot kebabs. Serve immediately.