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How To Clean And Fillet A Round Fish


The round fish, like sea bass and hake, is very common in cooking. It can be cooked whole or cut into fillets.
Let's see how to clean and fillet a round fish.Before buying, make sure the fish is fresh: the gills must be red and wet, the eye clear and not sunken in, the flesh firm.
Hold the dorsal fin and cut it off with kitchen scissors, from the tail toward the head
Remove the anal fin, in the lower part of the fish, and the ventral fins.
Cut off the pectoral fins, too.
Remove the scales using a fish scaler: run it repeatedly from the tail to the head.
If you don't have a fish scaler, you can do the same with a knife. To prevent the work surface from getting dirty, use a plastic bag.
Make a cut along the belly and gut the fish. Then wash under running water.
Now, we can fillet the fish. With a knife, make an incision along the back from the head to the tail, (and use the blade to separate the flesh from the bone); make a cut at the base of the head and tail, and remove the fillet.
Insert the blade between the flesh and the skin, and separate.
Use the tweezers to remove the bones from the fillets. Finally cut them in half lengthwise.
Here are your fish fillets ready to be cooked.