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French Toast


For Sweet French Toast:
1. Mix the above well and set aside for 10-15 minutes for the Sugar to mix in with the Egg.
2. Heat a skillet and drizzle a little bit of Oil and allow it to heat up on medium heat.
3. Dip the Bread in the Egg mixture and place it on the skillet.
4. Allow it to cook on the underside and then flip and cook.
5. Cook approximately 2 minutes on medium heat on both sides.
6. Remove from the skillet and serve hot.

For Spicy French Toast:
1. Mix the above well.
2. Heat a skillet and drizzle a little bit of Oil and allow it to heat up on medium heat.
3. Dip the Bread in the Egg mixture and place it on the skillet.
4. Allow it to cook on the underside and then flip and cook.
5. Cook approximately 2 minutes on medium heat on both sides.
6. Remove from the skillet and serve hot.