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French Toast


add the eggs, water, cinnamon, and nutmeg to a bowl and beat the heck out of them.

Add the bread and give it a minute on each side to soak up a bit of the eggs (you can do this in batches).

Heat a large saute pan to a medium heat and add a bit of butter and let it melt. Make sure the pan is coated with the butter and add your slices of bread. Cook on each side until you see a bit of color start to form. If you want, and I do, you can sprinkle a bit more cinnamon and nutmeg over the bread while it's in the pan for a bit of extra flavor. If you decide to add a bit more don't go too crazy with the spices. I like to serve my french toast (and pancakes) on a heated plate. I feel it makes everything work better for some reason. So warm up your plates, remove the bread from the pan and top with syrup or butter - or both if that's your thing - Eat & Enjoy...