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Ginger And Lime Cheesecake


1. First, prepare the chilli sauce, so it has time to cool. Cut one half of the chilli into fine strips and put into small heavy-based saucepan pan with the sugar. Add enough water to just cover the sugar, then add the lime zest (reserving a small amount for serving) and a pinch of chilli flakes. Heat gently, allowing the sugar to dissolve, then reduce by about half.

2. Roughly crush up the biscuits and place in a food processor. Process into fine crumbs and transfer to a mixing bowl.

3. Melt a large knob of butter and add a little at a time to the crumbs, mixing until the crumbs stick together easily.

4. In a separate bowl, mix together the three cheeses with a little lime juice.

5. Split the vanilla pod and add the seeds into the mix.

6. Sift the icing sugar into the bowl and beat the mixture until smooth.

7. Place 2 round moulds on a plate and press most of the crumb mixture into the bottom to form a base. Reserve a little of the crumb mixture for sprinkling.

8. Using a spoon and palette knife, fill the rest of the mould up with the cheese mix and smooth over the top. (The cheesecakes can be chilled at this point, if desired, for a firmer dessert).

9. To serve, sprinkle the top of each cheesecake with the reserved biscuit crumbs and lime zest and drizzle with chilli syrup.