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Ginger: Fresh Ginger, Pickled Or Crystallized


Fresh ginger is a delicious addition to many dishes. You can find fresh ginger root in the grocery store almost any time of year. It has a great fresh flavor that adds a bit of spice to many dishes.

Ginger has a thin skin that can be left on or peeled off. The fibrous ginger root needs to be chopped up so that the root doesnt get stringy in your dish.

There are many types of ginger available in the stores. Fresh, dried, pickled or crystallized ginger. Crystallized ginger is really candied a great flavor for tea or pastries.

Ginger paste is also available in the grocery stores. It is a convenient addition without all of the chopping.

In this video on ginger, Rita Heikenfeld from give you a ginger primer to let you know the options when shopping for ginger.