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Ground Turkey Penne Bake


1. Preheat oven to 350

2. Mix turkey in a bowl with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

3. Dice onion, garlic, and mushrooms saut onions and garlic on medium heat in pot w/ olive oil for about 5 minutes, until they're soft. Add mushrooms and saut a few minutes more, until mushrooms are brown.

4. Put water on to boil for pasta

5. Add turkey to pot w/ onion, garlic and mushrooms. Let it brown. Once brown (it'll take a few minutes) add jar of sauce and rosemary. Bring sauce to a boil then turn heat down and simmer.

6. By now, water should be boiling. Add full box of pasta. Let sauce simmer until pasta is done.

7. Once pasta is cooked (8-10 minutes) rinse it and pour it all into a glass pyrex or ceramic baking dish. Add saucey-turkey and mix. Top w/ parmesan cheese, about 3/4 a bottle to whole bottle to create a crust.

-Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes, until cheese on top is golden and crispy.