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"hot Stuff" Nachos


1. Brown 1 pound of ground beef and drain grease.
2. Add 1 large chopped onion, pound cubed Velveeta cheese, a 10 3/4-oz. can of Cheddar cheese soup, and a 10-oz. can Rotel tomatoes and green chilies.
3. Cook all of this on low heat, until the Velveeta is melted, and everything is blended together.
4. In a large baking dish (13-inch by 9-inch by 2-inch), place bag of plain Doritos and then pour of the cheese mixture on top of the chips.
5. Put rest of chips in and the rest of the cheese mixture on top.
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, or until it bubbles. (In the video, I took mine out of the oven after 15 minutes, just being conservative.)
7. You can put sliced jalapeno peppers on top, if desired.