How To Cook Mediterranean Quinoa Salad
Wash, rinse and drain quinoa. Place in a 2-quart pot, add water and salt, bring to boil, lower heat and simmer with lid on until all water is absorbed (15-20 minutes). Don't stir the grain while it is cooking. Test for doneness by tilting the pan to one side, making sure all of the water has been absorbed. Remove lid and let rest 5-10 minutes.
Dry toast pine nuts in skillet or 300 degree F. oven until they begin to change color and give off aroma.
Combine olive oil, lemon juice, mint and parsley in a large bowl Add currants and toasted pine nuts and toss. Using a fork, add cooked warm quinoa a little at a time. Crumble feta over the top. Toss well. Serve at room temperature.