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In The Kitchen With Ken: Achiote Pork


Line your crock-pot or slow cooker with the banana leaves. Place the tenderloins on top of the leaves and cover them with your cut up red onion.

In a blender, add the 2 packages of achiote paste and 1 cup of lime juice. Blend the ingredients until it makes a smooth liquid and pour the mixture over the tenderloins and red onions. Fold the banana leaves over the ingredients until they are completely covered and cook on low for 4 to 6 hours until the meat is tender enough to pull apart.

When the pork is cooked, take it out and pull it all apart. You can pour some of the leftover liquid back over the meat to add more spices and flavor.

Put some of the meat on a small, flour tortilla and add some of your pickled red onions and enjoy.

Cut up, not dice, the red onion thinly. Place it in a bowl and poor hot water over it.

Let the onion sit in the hot water for 5 minutes, then strain it. Put back in the bowl with a teaspoon of salt and add the 2 cups of lime juice. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a few hours.