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Kimchi Chigae With Tuna


Cut 1 cups of kimchi into 1-inch pieces. It is important to use well-fermented kimchi for kimchi soup. Sour (old) kimchi works good also.
Slice of a pack of tofu and of an onion into -inch pieces. Cut 1 green onion and the chilly peppers into 1-inch pieces.
Prepare 1 cup of tuna. I recommend tuna packaged in oil instead of water. If you get a Korean tuna can, 1 medium sized can will be enough. Use all of the oil and tuna from the can for the soup.
In a pan, add the kimchi and 2 cups of water. Boil it on high.
Once the soup starts to boil, add the tuna.
Add the onion.
Then add cup of kimchi broth, to 1 Tbsp of red pepper powder (depending on your tastes), 1 tsp of minced garlic, and 1 tsp of salt. Adjust the amount of salt depending on the saltiness on your kimchi. If you use tuna packaged in water instead of oil, add 1 Tbsp of vegetable or canola oil, and slap your fingers because I told you to use tuna packed in oil! =P
Cover the lid, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes until the kimchi is cooked.
15 minutes later, add the tofu, green onion, and hot peppers.
Cook for 5 more minutes and turn off the heat.