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Millet And Eggplant Soup Recipe Healthy Vegan Recipes On Video


1.Heat a large soup pot to medium, then saute the onions in the coconut oil until translucent. Saute the garlic and ginger next, allowing them to soften before adding the eggplant to saute. Once the eggplant is slightly browned, add the other vegetables and let them soften slightly.
2.Add the salt and seasonings, stirring to combine with the vegetables. Add the millet, and give it a stir through to season, then add the water. Bring to a boil, then turn down to low and simmer for 20-30 minutes until the millet is cooked.
3.Stir in the coconut oil before serving. I hope you enjoy this millet and eggplant soup recipe, the latest of my health vegan recipes.