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Moroccan Almond Macaroons


Grind the almonds in a grinder until you get an almond powder with a fine texture.
Grate the peel of the lemon to get the lemon zest.
Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.
Mix the egg yolks with the almond powder, powdered sugar, lemon zest, and the baking powder.
Beat the egg whites until you obtain a thick white foam.
Incorporate the egg whites in the egg yolks mixture. Use your hand to mix the dough to ensure that all ingredients are well incorporated.
To roll the macaroons, put some cooking oil in your hands so that the dough does not stick to them. Take a small amount of the dough and roll it in a ball, flatten it a bit, and place it in a baking pan with wax paper.
Preheat your oven at 350 F and bake the macaroons for 15 minutes.
Note: When still hot, the macaroons are very soft, their texture will change as they cool down.