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Pollo Alla Cacciatora


Begin by gutting the chicken and cutting it into pieces (1), leaving the skin on to give more flavour to the recipe. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan and brown the pieces of chicken on both sides for about 10 minutes until golden brown (2). At this point add the finely chopped onion and the garlic, the chopped celery and the carrots (3), a pinch of salt, the pepper and the rosemary, and brown everything for at least 5 minutes more. Once well coloured, pour the red wine onto the chicken (5) and let it evaporate. Then add the tomatoes (6), cover with a lid and let it simmer on a medium flame (7) for at least 30 minutes (or until the chicken is well cooked and soft); during this time, if the chicken dries out, add a ladle of hot water or broth.
Once cooked, add a handful of chopped parsley (8) and serve it well hot (9) with polenta or potato puree as side dish