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Ramen Egg Drop Soup


1. Break up the ramen noodles into small bits (discard flavoring packet or use for something else).
Combine all dry ingredients (everything above the first line in the ingredients list). Do not add the dehydrated eggs.

2. Store dry ingredient mixture in an airtight container, storing dehyrdrated eggs in a Ziploc bag inside container. The dehydrated eggs are used only for making the Egg Drop Soup version (listed below), so they may be omitted entirely from recipe.

3. If using for camping, divide into small portions and put an equal portion into small bags.

4. To serve, add water and canned coconut milk (if using) to dry mixture. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
Optional Egg Drop Soup: Combine dehydrated eggs with enough water and grated Parmesan cheese to make a thick mixture. Bring soup to a boil again (after soup is fully cooked). Drizzle egg mixture into boiling soup. Do not stir. Remove from heat when egg is cooked and serve sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese and cracked black pepper. Garnish with fresh parsley, if desired.