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Seitan And Vegetable Curry


1. In a large pot, add all ingredients for the Broth.
2. Cover and cook on high heat until broth comes to a rolling boil.
3. Uncover and continue to cook on medium heat while working on the Seitan.
4. In a mixing bowl, add all of the ingredients for the Seitan EXCEPT Oil and Water. Mix well.
5. Add Oil and mix through the flour.
6. Add all of the Water at once and mix to form a spongy dough.
7. Once all the Water is absorbed, continue to knead for 1 minute.
8. Form the dough into a square or rectangular shape and allow it to rest for 5 minutes.
9. Bring the Broth to a boil once again.
10. Cut Seitan to desired shape (small pieces for curries or stir-frys, long strips or fillets for grilling, etc).
11. As you cut, drop the pieces into the boiling broth.
12. Once all of the pieces are in the pot, mix well, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Do not uncover or stir in between.
13. Remove the Seitan pieces and keep aside to use as needed.
14. Strain the broth. Reserve the liquid for use in curries and discard the vegetables.
15. Seitan can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week or frozen for later use.