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Spicy Chicken Stew / Tajin


Prepare the chicken: cut in pieces.

Peel and slice onions with garlic. Reserve. In separate bowl, add cool water to apricots and let 10 minutes.

In the pot warm up the vegetable oil, put chicken pieces and onions with garlic, cook for 10 minutes, until chicken becomes brown.

If you have a special earthenware pot, it's a moment to put the chicken from the regular pot and follow the recipe with this special pot. In case you haven't it, you continue the recipe in your regular pot.

Add 20cl of water, salt, vegetable broth, saffron, 1/2 teasp. of ginger, cinnamon and turmenic powders. Strain and add also the apricots, mix. Cover with top and cook 30 minutes.

10 minutes before chicken's stew is ready, boil water and add to semolina of couscous, wait is absorbing the water and add salt, pepper and optionally some olive oil. Serve the chicken with sauce on the semolina, decorate with fresh coriander leaves and enjoy warm!