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Sprouted Moong Salad


1. Mix all the salad dressing ingredients together. Keep aside.
2. Next cook the sprouts with salt and 1/4 cup of water in a saucepan as it comes to boil turn off the heat.
3. Cover the pan for about three to four minutes, drain any liquid.
4. Let the sprouts cool to room temperature and add the dressing.
5. In a serving dish make arrange tomatoes, cucumber and oranges. On top add the spiced sprouts.
6. Garnish with cilantro and green chili.

How to make sprouts:
1. Soak the whole moong for 10 to 12 hours. Water should be about four times more than the Moong.
2. After soaking moong, it will double in volume.
3. Line a colander with muslin cloth. Drain the water and loosely wrap the beans with the muslin cloth. Store the soaked beans in a warm dark place. For example, store the beans in a closed oven or cover with a heavy cloth. Within a day or two, the beans will have sprouted.
*Sprouts can be refrigerated for four or five days.
*Sprouts salad makes a good lunch to take to the office or school.