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Squash Pancakes (hobakjeon)


Cut a butternut squash in half and remove the seeds with a spoon.
Peel the skin with a potato peeler.
Julienne the butternut squash.
Place 2 cups of butternut squash strips into a bowl.
Mix it with ts salt by hand, and set it aside.
In about 20 minutes the butternut strips will be a little wet due to the process of osmosis.
Add 3-4 tbs flour and mix it slightly by hand or with a spoon.
Heat up a pan with 1 tbs olive oil.
Spoon half the butternut squash mixture on to the hot pan
Spread the batter thinly, smooth it out with your spoon, and cook for a few minutes over medium heat.
When the bottom of the pancake is lightly golden brown, flip it over.
Keep pressing the pancake gently and add more vegetable oil to make it crispier.
Serve it hot.