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Stuffed Veal Chop Valdostana


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

1. Cut the Fontina cheese into four slices. each about a half-inch thick. two inches long and one inch wide. Wrap each piece of cheese with prosciutto. Cut a slit in the side of each veal chop. Insert the prosciutto-wrapped cheese into the slits deep enough so it can't come out. Dust the chops with a little flour. salt and pepper.
2. Pass each veal chop through the egg to get it good and wet. Then dredge through bread crumbs to coat throughly.
3. Heat oil very hot in a large skillet. Brown the breaded. stuffed veal chops. two at a time. to a medium-dark. crusty brown on both sides-about one minute. Then put entire skillet into a preheated 450 degree oven for 12-15 minutes. until top is brown and dry and cheese is beginning to flow from the pocket. Remove chops and keep warm. Repeat procedure for other two chops.
4. After cooking all chops. pour off oil and wipe out skillet lightly. Saute onions and garlic in butter til translucent. Add mushrooms and saute about 30 seconds. coating mushrooms well with butter.
5. Add white wine and allow to come to boil. Add demi-glace and whipping cream and return to a boil. Reduce liquid volume by about half.
6. Serve veal chops with four ounces of sauce each and garnish with fresh rosemary.

Serves four.