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Surf And Turf


1.Melt butter. Add Lime juice, green onions and garlic. Stir well. Turn heat to low.
2. Take thawed lobster tails and using kitchen scissors cut the tails down the middle either on the belly side or the outside. We cut open the belly side since it was softer.
3.With a sharp knife, cut the tail meat down the middle.
4. With a brush or a spoon coat the tails with the lime butter sauce.
5. Run a skewer through each tail for easier handling on the grill and keeps from curling.
6. Place Lobster tails and Petite Filets on a platter. Season with Sea Salt, Garlic Powder and Tonys.
7. Place evenly on grill.
8. Grill the Lobsters for 5 minutes each side.
9. Grill the Filets for 10 minutes each side.
10. Return to a platter and bring inside.
11. Pour lime butter sauce over the lobster tails or pour the lime butter sauce in custard cups for dipping the lobster meat.