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Taco Bowls


1. Brown the ground beef.
2. Add the taco flavoring and 2/3 cup water, and cook on top of stove for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, and heat this up right before serving.
3. Heat the refried beans right before serving, also.
4. Peel and mash the avocado, adding 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Place the avocado in a serving bowl.
5. Chop all of the ingredients that are to be chopped, and place each in a separate serving bowl.
6. Also, place the sour cream and the crushed Doritos in separate serving bowls.
7. Finally, place the beef taco mixture and the heated refried beans in separate serving bowls.
8. To serve, let each guest "build" their own taco bowl, by adding ingredients they desire from the individual serving bowls.