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Tangy Grilled Salmon Filet


1. Begin this preparation the night before grilling. (Actually, you can do this without the overnight wait.)
2. Use a 1/2 lb. filet of salmon, thawed, if originally frozen.
3. Salt (or use meat tenderizer) and pepper to taste.
4. Pour the Italian salad dressing over the salmon filet and roll the filet over to coat it.
5. Now, pour the olive oil over the filet, again coating it entirely.
6. Wrap the filet along with its coating (marinade) in aluminum foil, place in a dish and refrigerate overnight.
7. About an hour before grilling the salmon, remove the salmon filet from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature.
8. Heat the electric grill while preparing the salmon filet for grilling. Cut the filet into two equal parts.
9. When the grill is properly heated, place the two portions of the filet on the grill and close the grill lid.
10. Salmon filets cook very quickly, and will not be good if overcooked, so check after about 30 seconds to a minute to see if the filets look brown on the top side.
11. If so, turn the filets and let them brown on the bottom side.
12. Remove the filet portions and place them on serving plates. Excellent and elegant!