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Tomato Relish


When frost approaches at the end of the growing season, this relish is one way to make use of an overabundance of green tomatoes. Grandma also called this piccalilli. Green tomatoes can be found occasionally at local Farmer's Markets at the end of the season at great prices. Be sure to purchase tomatoes picked before the frost.
The secret to good relish and pickles is fresh pickling spices. Never use leftover pickling spice from last year's canning. It's important not to skimp on the sugar, because the full amount is required for adequate preservation. If the sugar amount is changed, the relish may spoil. If regular salt is used in place of canning salt, the relish may become cloudy since due to the anti-caking ingredients in plain salt. Canning salt does not contain these ingredients, making for clear, bright, pickles and relishes.

Wash tomatoes well. Chop the tomatoes into a large pan or bowl and sprinkle with the salt. Hang the chopped tomatoes in a cheesecloth wrap or cloth bag and allow to drain overnight. Discard juice.

The next day, add onions, celery, green pepper, sugars, apples, vinegar and water.

Stir in the whole mixed pickling spices.

Cook the mixture over low heat in a large pan, stirring often, until vegetables begin to stick on the bottom of the pan and the water is gone. This will take about 2 to 3 hours.

Have ready 7 to 9 pint size canning jars (depends on the size of the onions, tomatoes, etc. which were used).

Ladle hot relish into clean jars and adjust lids. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.