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Triple Chocolate Cheesecake


Combine ingredients for crust. Place in 9" coated spring form pan
Whip room temperature cream cheesewith sweetened condensed milk
Add cocoa powder
Add flour and vanilla
Combine until creamy
Add melted bittersweet chocolate
Add eggs one at a time
Pour over crust in pan
Bake for 1 hour at 325 degrees with a pan with 1/2 inch water on bottom of oven
Cool and refrigerate cake overnight

Drizzle melted semisweet chocolate over cake then add milk chocolate morsels. Refrigerate at least 4 hours before serving.

For filling:
To melt 4 oz unsweetened chocolate, chop chocolate thoroughly and melt about 50% done on medium heat.
Remove from microwave and stir in whipping cream and melt until creamy.

For topping:
To melt chocolate, chop 8 oz semisweet chocolate thoroughly, add shortening and melt about 50% done on medium heat.
Remove from microwave and stir in whipping cream and melt until creamy.