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Apple Tartlets With Caramel Sauce


1. Make your pie crust and Let cool in the fridge.
2. Brunoise your Apples and combine all Appley ingredients in a bowl. Let sit for a while to let the juices exude from the apples.
3. Fill your tart cups with dough, poke holes in them, and let cool again, par-bake your tarts for 10 minutes in a 400 degree oven.
4. Saute the Apple mixture in a little Buttah until halfway cooked, or al dente, or whatever relative and arbitrary term you'd like to use. Don't let them get mushy, just give them a head start in cooking and let them soak up the buttery goodness.
5. Fill your tarts with Appley stuff and bake for 20 minutes. Delicious!