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Betty's Tantalizing Tiramisu


In a large mixing bowl, place 16-oz. mascarpone cheese, 1 cups whipping cream, cup confectioner's sugar, and teaspoon vanilla. Beat at high speed for about 30 seconds, or until just blended. Set aside. Mix together 1 cup coffee and 2 tablespoons of rum. Set aside. Arrange 1 package of ladyfingers in the bottom of a 9-inch by 9-inch Pyrex dish. Pour half of the coffee mixture over the top. Spoon half of the mascarpone cheese mixture over the soaked ladyfingers. Sprinkle with half of the grated chocolate. Repeat layers. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for 8 hours or overnight. Cut into rectangular pieces and serve on a nice dessert dish. This is a great choice for dessert when entertaining. It can be made ahead of time; also, it is dramatic and delicious! I hope you enjoy the Tantalizing Tiramisu! Love, Betty