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Betty's Watermelon Basket With Melon Salad (basket Carved By Rick)


Use a sharp knife to carefully carve the watermelon, so that it is in the form of a basket with a handle. Save the meat of the watermelon, in large chunks. Do not use the handle for carrying the watermelon. Place the watermelon in a close-fitting Pyrex dish. Now peel the cantaloupe and honeydew melon, and chop the meat of the watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon into edible wedge-shaped pieces. Fill the watermelon basket until it is mounded up toward the handle. Then place the remainder of the cut-up melon in a large clear bowl for serving separately or for replenishing the watermelon basket when it is low. This is a great treat to take to a potluck dinner or a brunch. It is very pretty, but also tasty and healthy! Enjoy!!!