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Whole Wheat Gaund Panjiri


1. Break Gaund (edible gum) coarsely. Keep aside.
2. Break the makhana (lotus seed) in about four pieces. Keep aside.
3. Wash the melon seeds with water. Before draining the water, discard the seeds that are floating on top.
4. Next in a frying pan, dry roast the melon seeds on medium heat. Note: Stir the mixture continuously. They will lightly splatter while roasting (like popcorn). Take out and keep aside. When all seeds almost stop splattering they are done. The seeds should not get brown in color to avoid overcooking.
5. In the same frying pan, add one tablespoon of ghee. When it melts, add the makhana and roast them on medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes until they become crunchy. Note: Stir the mixture continuously. The makhana should not become brown in color. Otherwise, they will be overcooked.
6. Transfer them with melon seeds.
7. Heat 2 tablespoons ghee in the same frying pan on medium heat. Add the Gaund and stir-fry them until they puff up like popcorn. Note: Stir the mixture continuously. This should take 2 to 3 minutes. Note: This will absorb all the butter. Take it out over paper towel.
8. Use the same frying pan and put the ghee and whole-wheat flour and roast the flour on medium heat until the flour becomes light golden brown
9. Add the ground almonds, ajwain and ginger powder to the roasted flour and roast for another 5 to 6 minutes until the flour becomes medium brown in color and you start to smell the aroma.
10. Note: Stir the mixture continuously with a spatula to prevent burning. Cooking on high heat will not allow the mixture to fully cook.
11. Add all the remaining ingredients: Gaund, melon seeds, and makhana. With flour mixture. Mix it well and roast for another minute.
12. Remove from the heat and keep the mixture aside.
13. Put the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil on medium-high heat. When the syrup comes to a boil, turn the heat down to medium and stir to dissolve the sugar. Let it simmer until the syrup is about half thread consistency or 220 degrees F. on a candy thermometer.
14. Mix the flour mixture with syrup and pour it over 8 greased plate quickly before the mixture dries.
15. After the panjiri dries break the in pieces.
16. The panjiri can be stored in an airtight container for 2 to 3 weeks.

If panjiri is not being made for the nursing mother you dont have to add ajwain and ginger powder (The ajwain and ginger add a slightly bitter taste to panjiri).
If you want to make ladoos from the mixture, add 2 tablespoons of warm ghee and sugar without making the syrup and form them in ladoo shapes.
Gaund and melon seeds are available in Indian grocery stores.