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Deviled Eggs Cooking For Men


Boil eggs, make sure to boil long enough so that egg yolks are hard inside, but not too hard. Then its harder to separate the egg from the shell. Run cold water into the pot and let the eggs sit in the pot for about 10 minutes to cool down a bit. Peel the eggs from their shell, I think this is really an art perfected over time, because if you wait too long, the shell starts to stick to the egg..and if you don't wait long enough, the egg is too hot to handle and still a bit infirm from boiling. I run the eggs under a barely warm stream of water from the tap, crack the top of the egg and then begin to peel from there. If I'm lucky the shell just peels off practically by itself. After peeling, cut eggs lengthwise and take out the yolk with a small spoon (or on a good day..the yolk sometimes pops out on its own quite neatly!). Place egg yolks in a bowl and hollowed out egg halfs on a plate. Mix mayo and mustard with egg yolks, mashing as you go along, until the mixture is the consistency you desire. Personally I don't like overly creamy deviled eggs, I like them to be a little chunky, seems like its a better texture. Mix in salt to taste. Spoon the mixture into the egg halfs, I use two spoons to do this since it seems easiest that way. Pile as high as you want into the eggs, sprinkle with paprika for added zing and color and transfer eggs to final party platter. Chill for about 2 hours if you like cold eggs.