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Just Peachy Smoked Johnsonville Brats


Mix together the Jack, Honey Lager Mustard and Peach and Bourbon
Sauce. Set aside.
Preheat grill to medium 350 to 450F.
Grill the Smoked Brats according to package instructions. Using a sharp
knife, make 12 inch deep crosswise slashes in the top of each Brat about
12 an inch apart along the length of the sausage. Place the Smoked Sausage
on the upper level of your gas grill or off to the side off the direct heat.
Baste the Brats liberally with Peach and Bourbon Mustard mixture, close lid
and allow to heat for 5 minutes.
Remove from grill and serve in toasted buns with your
favourite Brat toppings.