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Korean Cuisine Seafood Pancake


1. In a large bowl mix flour, sweet rice powder, eggs and water until smooth. You may need to add more flour or water to get the desired consistency of the pancake batter. Add the green onion to the pancake batter and coat evenly.

2. Heat the skillet over medium heat and coat the pan with a small amount of canola oil. Place some of the green onion and a 1/2 cup of batter onto the hot skillet. Place even amounts of seafood on top of the pancake and some thinly sliced red pepper.

3. Let it cook for 4 minutes, until the bottom is lightly brown. Flip and brown the other side and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes. *Make sure that all of the pancakes surface touches the skillet by pressing down on it with a spatula.

4. Once the pancake is done, remove from skillet and place on a plate. Cut the seafood pancake into 8 pieces with a pizza cutter and serve with the dipping sauce.