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Korean Style Cucumber Pickles (oijangajji)


Wash and drain 5 pounds of cucumbers.
In a large pot put 9 cups water, 1 cup salt, and 1 cup vinegar.
Remove the cores from two small apples. Slice the apples thinly and put them into the pot.

Stir the pot of brine and apple slices with a wooden spoon until the salt on the bottom of the pot has dissolved.
Bring to a boil over high heat for about 40 minutes.
Strain the cooked apples.
Put the cucumbers into the hot brine. Turn them over with a wooden spoon
Let the pot sit until the brine cools down.
Move the cucumbers into a glass jar and pour the brine over the cucumbers.

Close the lid and let it sit for 12-24 hours at room temperature
Drain the cucumbers by pouring out the brine into a pot.
Boil the brine again for 10 minutes to sterilize it.
*tip: leave the cucumber in the jar
Turn off the heat and let the brine cool down.
Pour the brine into the cucumbers and refrigerate it.
*tip: Wait at least 1 week to start eating