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Kung Pao Spaghetti


1. Mix together peanuts and scechuan marinade and bake on a sheet pan on 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
2. In a mixing bowl mix together 2 TBS ginger, 2 TBS rice wine, 2 TBS rice wine vinegar, 1 TBS garlic chili paste, 2 TBS hoison sauce, 1 TBS sugar, 3 TBS soy and set to the side.
3. In a sauce pot mix together chicken stock and corn starch until thick and add in the mixture from above and set on low heat and once peanuts are done add them to the sauce as well.
4. Slice the chicken as thin as possible, in a pan mix together flour, salt and pepper and dredge chicken in it.
5. In a frying pan pour in 1/3 cup sesame oil and fry chicken and set aside.
6. In a skillet add in 1 TBS sesame oil and saute green onions, red peppers, and eggs.
7. Boil spaghetti until al dente.
8. Once everything is finished add together and serve hot.