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Low Calorie Flavored Popcorn


1. To make one bowl of flavored popcorn, place popped popcorn in your serving bowl. Spray generously with fat-free butter-flavored spray.

2. For Cheese Popcorn, shake on cheese sprinkles, to taste. Stir to coat popcorn with butter-flavored spray and cheese.

3. For Garlic-Herb Popcorn, shake on garlic-herb seasoning blend, to taste. Stir to coat popcorn with butter-flavored spray and garlic-herb seasoning blend.

4. For Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Popcorn, mix cup of brown sugar with ground cinnamon, to taste.
5. Sprinkle a fine sprinkling over the sprayed popcorn. (Don't use too much of this, because it *will* add calories to your popcorn!)
6. Stir to coat popcorn with butter-flavored spray and brown sugar-cinnamon mixture.