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Prawn Toast


1. Preheat oven to 150C. Remove bread crusts. Cut each slice into 4 triangles.
2.Pat prawns dry with paper towel. Place in a food processor with onion, ginger, eggwhite, cornflour, soy sauce and salt and white pepper. Process until smooth.
3. Spread 2 teaspoons prawn mixture over each bread triangle. Sprinkle sesame seeds onto a plate. Dip bread, prawn side down, into sesame seeds.
4. Pour oil into a wok until one-third full. Heat until a small piece of bread dropped into oil sizzles.
5. Cook toasts, in batches, prawn side down, for 1 minute.
6. Turn and cook for a further 15 to 30 seconds or until golden.
7. Remove to a wire rack over a baking tray.
8. Keep warm in oven while cooking remaining prawn toasts.