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Stuffed Tilapia


* Chop onion into fine pieces
* Mince celery into fine pieces
* Sautee onion and celery with butter in frying pan until tender
* Add parsley to frying pan
* Remove frying pan from heat and stir in bread crumbs and crab meat, together with lemon and cayenne pepper
* Grease a 9x13 inch oven pan
* Spread the crab meat mixture over the Tilapia fillets and roll them up
* Place the stuffed Tilapia in the greased dish, seam side down
* Sprinkle melted butter and paprika powder over the stuffed tilapia
* Place the stuffed Tilapia in the oven and bake the rolls at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes
* Remove from oven, cover, and let sit 5-10 minutes