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Sunday Morning Sausage And Gravy


1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. While the oven is heating, prepare the biscuits for baking by spreading the top and bottom of each of the four biscuits with extra virgin olive oil.
2. Place them in a baking pan, and place them in the oven when the oven is heated.
3. Now slice the chilled sausage into 1/2" slices. You will get about 12 of these.
4. Heat an iron skillet and place the sausage slices into the hot skillet in a single layer.
5. You may have to lean some of them against the sides of the skillet, but they will shrink down as the cook, and become a single layer.
6. Let the sausage brown on each side, and when done (no pink inside), remove the sausage to a plate covered by paper towels to drain.
7. Be sure to check your biscuits in the oven occasionally, and remove them when they are brown and crispy.
8. Next, make your sausage gravy as follows.
9. Drain all grease from the skillet that the sausage was cooked in, leaving all sausage crumbs for flavor.
10. Do not return the skillet to heat yet. Add 1/4 cup flour to the skillet, followed by about a cup of water.
11. Stir the flower and water together, mashing out all of the lumps.
12. Add about 1/4 cup more of water, as well as the 1/2 cup milk.
13. Continue to stir the gravy, until smooth. Now, return the skillet to heat and stir while it finished cooking.
14. You may need to add more water for thickness. You will be able to tell by stirring constantly.
15. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt, and cook until the flour has had time to be cooked thoroughly. When the consistency is what you like, pour it into a serving bowl.
16. Remove your sausage slices to a serving plate, and also place your biscuits on a plate for serving. Accompany this breakfast with some fruit juice, orange slices and coffee.