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Sweet Shells Gavalu


1. Take a bowl pour maida into it add ghee and mix well.
2. Now add water to make dough, the dough should not be too hard or soft.
3. Take a Fork turn back side, then take a small piece of dough into hand and press at the back side of the
fork and remove opposite direction repeat the same way for all the dough. Keep the shells a side.
4. Now take a pan add oil for fry add the shells into the oil and deep fry till light golden brown color fry in a
low flame.
5. Once it is done remove from oil and keep it a side.
6. Now take another pan add sugar and little water and let it boil till you get a thick consistency and remove
from the flame.
7. Add the fried shells to the sugar syrup once the sugar sticks to shells transfer these shells into another plate.