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1. Soak 1 burghul in 1 cup lemon juice for about twenty minutes. No need to drain the burghul since the lemon juice will be all absorbed
2. Chop the tomatoes (small dice).
3. Clean the parsley and remove the large stems (you want mostly leaves). Chop fine.
4. Cut the onion, small dice.
5. Add the burghul and tomato in a large bowl. Add salt, pepper, allspice, lemon juice, olive oil, mint, parsley, and optional minced jalapeno.
6. Taste for seasoning. If too dry, you can add additional lemon juice and olive oil
7. Mix well. Let your Tabouli rest for half an hour before serving, this will allow the flavors to mix and taste better - you can cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator for a few hours or over night, tossing occasionally.
8. Serve with cabbage or lettuce leaves and sliced cucumber - scoop some tabouli into a leaf and enjoy!