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First prepare the coffee (1), so just enough to soak the ladyfingers, pour into a bowl (2) (zuccheratelo if you like) and let cool. Whip the yolks of eggs together with half the sugar (3) to obtain a good mixture is light and creamy (4).

Work then (not too long) the mascarpone with a whisk (or wooden spoon) until creamy with no lumps (5) and always beating together, the mixture of eggs and sugar in prepared previously (6-7).

Whip egg whites until now with a pinch of salt , add the remaining half of sugar and, with a wooden spoon, add them gradually and gently to the mixture of mascarpone and egg yolks (8), so you got the cream of the tiramisu ( 9).

Put the biscuits in a container and started to wet them with coffee (10), should be well soaked but not completely soaked. Cover the ladyfingers soaked with a layer of cream and mascarpone (11) level with a spatula (12);

sprinkle the surface of cocoa bitter powder (13). Then provides the second layer of ladyfingers, if you have them the first vertically arranged, they put them horizontally (and vice versa) (14). Ricoprireteli with the remaining cream (15), level (16).

When finished sprinkle with plenty of cocoa bitter the surface of your Tiramisu (17) and add a handful of grated chocolate (18). Store in the fridge for a few hours to shrink the sweet e. .. Bon appetit!