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Turkey Bacon Meat Sauce


1. Place the bacon into a sauce pan at medium heat. Allow the bacon to start to cook. The oil from the bacon will be the base of the sauce. Turn on your water to make the pasta.
2. Add the finely diced onions and continue to cook. I like to put the onions underneath the bacon in the pan. It lets the onions absorb the bacon flavour, and prevents the bacon from overcooking. Once the onions begin to sweat, add the garlic.
3. It's time to add the turkey meat. I use frozen ground turkey, but you can use fresh. As the turkey defrosts/cooks, begin to break it down. Add some salt and pepper
4. Once the meat is broken down, and browned, it's time to add the seasoning. Add chili peppers, chipotle flakes, fresh thyme, basil, oregano, and parsley. Add just enough to give it some flavour. Finally, add in the portobello mushrooms, and let them soak in the flavours.
5. Put your pasta into the boiling water and cook until al dente. While the pasta is cooking, add your tomato sauce (fresh, or pre-made) to the meat sauce. Mix well, and reduce to a low heat to simmer until the pasta is ready.
6. Drain your pasta and serve with the sauce. Mix it up and enjoy your meal!