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Badam Halwa


1. Soak almond/badam for 2-3 hors (suitable if soaked overnight) & peel off the skin before preparing this dish or boil them for 30 mins incase of last minute preparation.
2.Put the peeled almonds in a blender and add milk to it .It should be enough to cover them .
3.Blend it into a coarse paste .Avoid thin texture of paste sue to excess of milk.
4. Heat the pan & add 2 tbspn ghee to it .As ghee melts add badam mixture & give a quick stir.
5. Add sugar keeping in mind 1:1 ratio of almond : sugar (more sugar can be added as per taste) Alternative Tip:- dilute the sugar by making sugar syrup & then adding it to the badam mixture.
6.Constantly stir the mixture as it can stick & burn from bottom.
7. Add Saffron & constantly stir as it boils from bottom.(Food color is optional if required)
8. Add additional 2tbspn of ghee while its boiling.Constant stirring is a must till ghee starts oozing out.
9. Once halwa seperates out ghee its time to put it in a container & is ready to be served.
10. Garnish it with grated almonds/badam.