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Classic Biscotti


Sift together flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl. Whisk together eggs and sugar into pale and lemon colored. Add vanilla extract to egg mixture and add cooled melted butter. Add flour mixture in batches, stirring to incorporate it. Once a sticky batter
is formed fold in cranberries and walnuts. Gather dough into a ball (it will be sticky) and divide in two. Gently shape each 1/2 into a log about 10"x2". Bake on parchment lined baking sheets for 20-30 minutes until golden. Let cool on wire racks. Slice each log into 1/2 inch slices using a serrated knife and return to 350 oven until toasted (either stand cookies up so air can circulate, or lay flat and flip after about 5 mins to toast both sides). Cool on a wire rack and enjoy, or store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.